"Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance."
-Vernā Myers
Shadow Day at Gunderson Middle School
While spending the day at Gunderson MS I was able to see and participate with students on their restorative justice program. We were able to get students to talk to one another and take ownership of their own actions. It was an eye opening experience for the students as they learned how their own actions had a direct affect on the other.
Learning a new perspective on how things are run at a middle school was eye opening. Until now, I had not truly considered how much of an effect the physical surrounding can make a difference in education. Gunderson has their school broken up into grade levels, which includes their grade counselor. This is such a great idea because it allows students better access to the support they might need during the school day. It also keeps them out of the office and creates a more discrete way for students to reach out to them. The way the school is set up, you can tell they really tried to design it with students in mind. They have a quad with seating that creates a mini amphitheater where students can perform outside for their peers.
One of the things that I took away from this experience is that the schools in CCSD are far from being equitable. This school had everything new and working, while we have some schools who do not have working security. These facilities were up to all standards and created a welcoming environment for the students, staff and parents/guardians. We have many schools who can barely afford to get the basics while there are other schools who have an over abundance of supplies. I can use my own school as an example. Our orchestra program is a one-to-one school for instruments. Each student is assigned an instrument and is able to take it home to practice. Most students are able to get their first choice instrument as well. However, there are middle schools just miles away who have a classroom set only. Students must share instruments. This means they are not able to take instruments home to practice whenever they want. Yet, each orchestra in the district is evaluated with the same standards and rated as such. This is just one example of the equity problem in the district.
VEX Finals
I had the privilege of working with the robotics department and helping them with their competition that was hosted at Johnson JHS. We worked with the Desert Research Institute, members from the VEX organization as well as other community members to host this robotics competition Aside from judging and helping with the competition, the necessary steps it took to get the building ready was also a daunting task. The VEX robotics competition required multiple stations for students to work on their robots as well as a place for them to battle, a place for them to do their check ins and a place where all of the competition stats/event times were displayed. The robotics teachers did a fantastic job organizing the even which made it easier from an admin standpoint because we were there to support, make sure they had access to the rooms they needed and ensure the building was secured at the end of the day.
NJHS Initiation - 2022
Being able to be part of the team and support our NJHS students was a highlight of my internship. We were able to celebrate a wonderful group of students as they were inducted into NJHS. These students really make work hard in supporting the school and the community as well as being fabulous students. These are the students who volunteer not only on campus but in the community as well. Seeing how our administration team celebrated these students by talking to them and their parents about their success. As our AP, Brook Walters put it, "it is sad that the media is not here to do a story about this event. People need to see and hear about all of the wonderful things our students are accomplishing." I could not agree more with his statement. As administrators we tend to get stuck with all of the behavior and discipline issues that people forget that we like to be a part of the good things that happen on campus too.
What I learned
If there is anything that I take away from this time I have been able to work with the admin team here at Johnson it is the need to build rapport. It is so important to build a rapport with the students because it truly helps when you have to have a hard conversation with them about behavior. By understanding where they are coming from helps to guide them towards better choices. It is so important to build that rapport with the teachers and staff that you will be working with on a daily basis. Again, it can help when you have to have hard conversations with them. Building a rapport with the community members and stakeholders can help with getting the support you need for the school. Everything is about relationships and networking. As a leader you may not always know the answer, however it is vital to know who to reach out to when you need answers.
I became quite proficient with testing and the process that must be taken to ensure testing regulations are followed. Testing is a necessary evil that must be done. As much as I do not like standardized testing, I do understand and support the reasoning why our state and school district tests our students with multiple standardized tests. Johnson JHS did a school wide push to raise student outcomes by having each teacher meet with five students of their choice this semester, each month. The objective of this was to give some 1:1 attention to students who might need the extra eyes and guidance. Teachers set goals with each student and then checked on them bi-monthly to see how they are doing with those goals. Speaking from personal experience, the students that I worked with made great progress with their academics.
Over the next couple years I hope to continue with my work with the admin team at Johnson. Once I am eligible I plan on taking CCSD's leadership course so I will be able to then get into the administrators pool. Ideally, I would like to stay at the school where I currently teach. I truly stand by the principles of the IB program and love the people that I work with. As I become a stronger leader, I hope to help others become leaders as well. I look forward to my continued work at Johnson.
I hope that as I continue to grow as a leader I become someone who people feel they can come to with concerns and know that I will do everything in my power to assist. I do not have all of the answers, however; I will find the answer by utilizing my contacts and resources. I am learning how to address people with different personalities. As a leader you have to be able to build that rapport and sometimes quickly. Understanding how to do so is the key. I am looking forward to doing my part in strengthening Johnson's students, teachers, staff and other future leaders. I am a firm believer in teamwork and everyone doing their part. It is only through working together will we be able to meet the growing needs of our student population.